jQuery(document).ready(function( $ ) { var bar = $('#wprmenu_bar'), //top bar that shows/hides the menu bar_height = bar.outerHeight(true), //the bar height from_width = wprmenu.from_width, menu = $('#wprmenu_menu'), //the menu div menu_ul = $('#wprmenu_menu_ul'), //the menu ul menu_a = menu.find('a'), //single menu link body = $('body'), html = $('html'), animation_speed = 300, ab = $('#wpadminbar'), menu_enabled = (bar.length > 0 && menu.length > 0)? true : false, menu_width = menu.width(), target_height = (window.innerHeight < body.height())? body.height() : window.innerHeight, target_width = (window.innerWidth < body.width())? body.width() : window.innerWidth; if(menu_enabled) { menu_ul.find('li').first().css({'border-top':'none'}); $(document).mouseup(function (e) { if ( !menu.is(e.target) && menu.has( e.target ).length === 0) { if(menu.is(':visible') && (!menu.hasClass('top'))) { $.sidr('close', 'wprmenu_menu'); } } }); //ENABLE NESTING //add arrow element to the parent li items and chide its child uls menu.find('ul.sub-menu').each(function() { var sub_ul = $(this), parent_a = sub_ul.prev('a'), parent_li = parent_a.parent('li').first(); parent_a.addClass('wprmenu_parent_item'); parent_li.addClass('wprmenu_parent_item_li'); var expand = parent_a.before(' ').find('.wprmenu_icon_par'); sub_ul.hide(); }); //adjust the a width on parent uls so it fits nicely with th eicon elemnt function adjust_expandable_items() { $('.wprmenu_parent_item_li').each(function() { var t = $(this), main_ul_width = 0, icon = t.find('.wprmenu_icon_par').first(), link = t.find('a.wprmenu_parent_item').first(); if(menu.hasClass('top')) { main_ul_width = window.innerWidth; } else { main_ul_width = menu_ul.innerWidth(); } if(t.find('.wprmenu_clear').length == 0) link.after('
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