Design cases

NordiCHI’16 Design Cases track is a venue for presenting design cases that represent and reflect upon the conference theme: Game-Changing Design. The submissions can be about artistic experiments, digital artefacts, interaction design, or media art experiments. Design Cases offer designers a possibility for less-traditional academic presentations. In addition to fascinating outcomes, we are very interested in cases that reflect upon the process, and its successes and failures.

Design Cases submission content:

Submissions must include;

  1. a max 4-6 pages written presentation in ACM SIGCHI  Format (2014 version)
  2. links to photo, video data or other kinds of representations of the given design case.

Please note however, that photo, video etc. will not appear in the ACM library.

Quick facts of Design Cases submissions

  • Deadline for submissions: August 11, 2016 (5:00 PM, PDT)
  • Online submission: through PCS
  • Notification: September 12, 2016
  • Camera-ready deadline: September 19, 2016 5PM PST (this is a hard deadline)
  • Submission format: 4-6 pages including references in ACM SIGCHI 2014 Format
  • Archiving: Available in the ACM Digital Library

Design Cases selection process

Design Cases will be selected through a double-blind review process. Our review process will emphasize innovativeness, originality as well as contribution to the conference theme.

Design Cases Chairs:

  • Lars Hallnäs, Swedish School of Textiles, University of Borås
  • Sarah Kettley, Nottingham Trent University
